The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in more ways than one - and, our sleeping patterns are one of the first victims. The anxiety spurred on by the pandemic is seeping into dreams and messing up with the sleeping patterns. As per a recent report by NCBI, "the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a worldwide crisis that has produced unprecedented changes in our lives. For many people, it has generated significant stress, anxiety, and worries about health, social isolation, employment, finances as well as the challenge of combining work and family obligations. Such a major stressful life event is also likely to have impaired sleep and circadian rhythms.”
Why is a healthy sleep important amidst pandemic?
Healthy sleep i.e. sleeping peacefully for the recommended 7-8 hours a day (as per one’s regular sleep and wake up cycle) is important to cope adaptively with this crisis and uncertainty about the future. Besides, as shared in our previous blog, the human body heals itself during sleep. But the entire healing process is divided into three stages preceding REM (REMS or Rapid Eye Movement Sleep wherein we have dreams that we may or may not remember post waking up).
N1 - When the body cycles through wakefulness to sleep
N2 - When the breathing rate and heart rate begins to slow down
N3 - Also known to be the most refreshing stages of sleep, this is the stage when the body starts regenerating itself i.e. heal itself.
When a person is anxious or stressed, the length of stage N1 and N2, which is usually 90 minutes each, increases at the cost of N3 i.e. less time for the body to regenerate itself. If the disruption of the normal sleep cycle isn’t addressed, it can lead to severe sleep deprivation and health problems in future.
How to ensure healthy sleep amidst pandemic?
Before we talk about the different firmness levels of mattresses, it is important to note that the firmness is not just divided into categories, it’s also a spectrum.
1. Establish a schedule: Apart from sleep, the pandemic has also affected people’s normal pre-COVID routines i.e. the work-life-sleep balance. Re-establishing this routine in your life might prove effective in helping you sleep properly and adequately. One way to go about it would be to mimic your regular pre-covid routine and follow it without fail.
2. Find the right sleep essentials: Oftentimes, lack of sufficient sleep is a result of a faulty mattress or an uncomfortable neck pillow, a snoring partner, the killing back pain and so on. If you have even an ounce of doubt on the sleep essentials you are using, considering replacing them with something more comfortable and supportive. Head to and use the “Mattress Recommendation Questionnaire” to find the right mattress and other sleep essentials that can help you sleep peacefully.
Core Dual Support Orthopedic Mattress is made using open-cell foam technology which gives you the freedom to sleep on both sides. The mattress is breathable and provides maximum spine alignment support.
Zen Memory Foam Mattress is crafted using the best-in-class memory foam and the latest German Technology for pure unadulterated comfort.
Wedge Pillows are very helpful if you are losing sleep due to acid reflux.
UrbanBed pillow supports the natural curvature of your spine and provides relief from nagging neck pain.
The mattress topper adds an extra layer of memory foam to your mattress, giving you a breathable and comfortable sleep.
3. Maintain the Day and Night Sleep Cycle: Human body has a circadian rhythm i.e. an internal clock, which is stimulated by light and darkness. All your body’s functions are aligned with this sleep cycle and so, it becomes important for you to align your sleep schedule accordingly. The two things you must remember are: (1) expose yourself enough to sunlight during the day time by either taking a sunbath early morning or working out during the same time of the day (2) Avoid exposure to any kind of light including the light emitted by your smartphone while you check your social media feed before bed time.
4. Exercise Regularly: Working out regularly helps you build enough body fatigue to fall asleep more easily. However, the timing of these exercises is also important. Although it is generally said to work out in the morning, a new study suggests people can exercise in the evening as long as they avoid vigorous activity for at least one hour before bedtime.
5. Limit Naps: Taking naps is a good way to make up for the lost hours of sleep if you aren’t getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Although, try and avoid taking naps too frequently even though boredom may tempt you into it. Also, avoid naps longer than 30 minutes.
Always remember that you would be able to enjoy your life, work effectively, and take care of yourself and your family only if you stay healthy, both physically and mentally. So, avoid overthinking things to avoid disturbances in your sleep patterns. Follow the above shared tips in case you too have been facing issues falling asleep.